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    1. Sheeps: Ten Years, Ten Laughs

      - 20:00 BST Live (iCal, webcal) Sheeps
    2. Sheeps: Ten Years, Ten Laughs

      - 20:00 BST Live (iCal, webcal) Sheeps
    3. (Cancelled) Sheeps: Ten Years, Ten Laughs (WIP)

      - 20:30 BST Live @ The Pleasance (iCal, webcal) Sheeps
    4. The Paddock @ Vault Festival

      - 23:45 GMT Live @ Vault Festival (iCal, webcal) egg, Ele McKenzie, Emma Sidi, Jack Tucker, Johnny White Really-Really, Jon Pointing, Jordan Brookes, Mat Ewins, Phil Dunning, Phoebe Walsh, Rose Matafeo, Sheeps
    5. Sheeps: Live And Loud Selfie Sex Harry Potter

      - 22:15 GMT @ Soho Theatre (iCal, webcal) Alastair Roberts, Daran Johnson, Liam Williams, Sheeps
    6. The Paddock @ Vault Festival

      - 22:15 GMT @ Vault Festival (iCal, webcal) Alastair Roberts, Annie McGrath, Arnab Chanda, Christopher Bliss, Daran Johnson, Ellie White, John Reynolds, Liam Williams, Lola & Jo, Natasia Demetriou, Phoebe Walsh, Sheeps, Tash & Ellie, Vault Festival, Vault Festival 2018
    7. Sheeps Festive Bash

      - 22:30 GMT @ Moth Club (iCal, webcal) Alastair Roberts, Alex Owen, Ben Ashenden, Daran Johnson, Jamie Demetriou, Kieran Hodgson, Liam Williams, Lolly Adefope, Sheeps, The Pin
    8. Sheeps Festive Bash

      - 22:30 GMT (iCal, webcal) Alastair Roberts, Christopher Bliss, Daran Johnson, Emma Sidi, Johnny White Really-Really, Liam Williams, Rose Matafeo, Sheeps
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