Vagabond Comedy 2

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Vagabond Comedy 2 (Archived)

until 22:00 | Online

An online comedy night like any other. Jordan Brookes introduces acts he likes. This month’s line up TBC
7pm – I stream myself playing old video games from my childhood that I haven’t played in 20+ years
8pm – Vagabond Comedy starts. I introduce some great acts. £5 for a ticket to be part of the zoom audience, £3 for a youtube link to the stream.
note: If you buy a zoom ticket you’ll get a link to both stream and zoom, and will be let in to the zoom around 7.50pm so if you wanna watch me play video games you’ll have to watch on the stream initially. Hope that makes sense.

Link(s): Online link(s): Book Tickets
iCal, webcal
Text is from a Third Party and correct as of the time of posting. All events details are subject to change. End times are subject to change and are often entered as an estimate in lieu of a formal time.