Bank Holiday STREET PARTY ROOF PARTY! (Archived)
until 20:00 | Live @ The Bill MurrayYep – you read that right.
Angel Comedy is throwing a street party, roof party!
On Thursday June 2nd at 3pm some of the best comedians in the UK will be performing on the Roof of The Bill Murray.
Not only that, but as well as legends Aisling Bea, John Kearns, Abandoman and Sindhu Vee (filming dependent), we’re planning to go full village fete, with games like Welly Wanging, a Coconut Shy, a Tombola, and throw a hoop on a mic stand (that old classic). We’ve got some psychics in our spoooky comedy room, and Barry has downloaded some Carnival Organ Greatest hits to terrify people with.
Basically, it’s a chance to sit on a bale of hay in the street and have a drink in the sun, whilst having some silly fun.
It’s free to come down and watch the show (although we’ll be doing a collection for the Islington Giving to raise money for child poverty in Islington), but please grab some tickets if you think you’re likely to make it down so we can get an idea on numbers.
2:00 PM – Doors open
– Aisling Bea
– John Kearns
– Abandoman
– Sindhu Vee
Presented by Angel Comedy.
iCal, webcal Text is from a Third Party and correct as of the time of posting. All events details are subject to change. End times are subject to change and are often entered as an estimate in lieu of a formal time.