until 23:00 | LiveLive comedy is back at Genesis cinema! Join us for an evening of stand up comedy from Britain’s finest and funniest as our friends at WTD return with this incredible line up:
Ceyla AB A regular writer for BBC Radio’s The News Quiz. Winner of the Breaking Talent Award in 2019 (Birmingham Comedy Festival) and a finalist in the 2019 Funny Women Awards “I was shocked and appalled by Celya’s sharp and annoyingly observant gags. An exciting and promising writer.” – Joe Lycett
Vittorio Angelone British Comedian of the Year semi-finals, BBC New Comedy Award finalist
William Stone BBC New Comedy Award finalist, the Leicester Square New Act of the Year Competition final and the 2Northdown New Act of the year final.
Alexandra Haddow (Tour support for Frankie Boyle)
Hubert Mayr (Leicester Square New Comedian Of The Year finalist)
With your host Jamie Allerton Liverpool Echo New Comedian Finalist
And your headliner Celebrity Gogglebox’s Babatunde Aleshe
iCal, webcal Text is from a Third Party and correct as of the time of posting. All events details are subject to change. End times are subject to change and are often entered as an estimate in lieu of a formal time.