Daniel Kitson With Or Near Gavin Osborn

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The two greatest footballers of their generation are returning to the site of their greatest collaborative triumphs to do another thing.*

* Full Disclosure: Daniel hasn’t been on stage for over two years and Gavin recently got a 9-5 job in the charity sector. So, currently, as things stand, at time of writing, it’s entirely unclear what the “thing” they do will be. It may involve them both being on stage at the same time, winking at each other and giggling or it could just as easily involve them taking turns to do a nice little dance for everyone. But whatever the “thing” ends up being, this much is certain – some bits of it will be funny and some bits of it will be lovely and some bits of it will probably be sad. Gavin will sing some songs (presumably from his new album), Daniel will do some talking or reading out loud (ideas, swear words, apologies etc.) and of course, as always, the unique beauty of the venue will do quite a bit of heavy lifting.


Link(s): https://openairtheatre.com/production/daniel-kitson-gavin-osborn
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Text is from a Third Party and correct as of the time of posting. All events details are subject to change. End times are subject to change and are often entered as an estimate in lieu of a formal time.