Kieran Hodgson


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    1. Gala for World AIDS Day

      - 22:30 GMT @ The Pleasance (iCal, webcal) Birthday Girls, Brett Goldstein, Eshaan Akbar, James Acaster, John Kearns, Kieran Hodgson, Kiri Pritchard-McLean, Lou Sanders, Lucy Pearman, Nish Kumar, Rosie Jones, Sara Pascoe, Suzi Ruffell
    2. Suspiciously Cheap Comedy

      - 22:30 GMT @ Backyard Comedy Club (iCal, webcal) Catherine Cohen, Gein's Family Giftshop, Goose, John Kearns, Kieran Hodgson, Kiri Pritchard-McLean, Lolly Adefope
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