
Aces & Eights Saloon Bar


Upcoming Events

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  • Previous Events

    1. Deadbeat Comedy

      until 22:30 Adam Hess, Brett Goldstein, Lou Sanders, Róisín & Chiara, Tom Basden, Tom Ward Link(s): http://www.acesandeightssaloonbar.com/listings.php?event=1650
    2. Deadbeat Comedy

      until 22:30 Gráinne Maguire, Johnny White Really-Really, Róisín & Chiara, Tom Basden, Tom Ward Link(s): https://www.designmynight.com/london/bars/kentish-town/aces-and-eights-saloon-bar/deadbeat-comedy-4
    3. Deadbeat Comedy

      until 20:00 Harriet Kemsley, Tony Law Link(s): http://www.acesandeightssaloonbar.com/listings.php?event=1746
    4. Mr Fruit Salad & Friends: June

      until 22:30 Harriet Kemsley, Helen Duff, John Kearns, Luke McQueen, Mr Fruit Salad Link(s): http://www.acesandeightssaloonbar.com/listings.php?event=1876 https://www.tickettext.co.uk/joz-norris/mr-fruit-salad-friends-june-23062019/
    5. Johnny White Really-Really: Unending Torment!

      until 20:30 Johnny White Really-Really Link(s): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/johnny-white-really-really-unending-torment-tickets-95467354427
    6. Deadbeat Comedy

      until 22:30 Alice Brine, Goerge Ridgen, Heidi Regan, John Kearns, Johnny White Really-Really, Tim Key Link(s): http://www.acesandeightssaloonbar.com/listings.php?event=2049 https://www.designmynight.com/london/bars/kentish-town/aces-and-eights-saloon-bar/deadbeat-comedy-6?t=tickets
    7. Róisín And Chiara’s Late Night Lounge

      until 22:45 Diane Chorley, Joz Norris, Lola & Jo, Róisín & Chiara Link(s): /wp-content/uploads/roisin-chiara-2021-001-1-scaled.jpg
    8. Catland (WIP)

      until 20:40 Link(s):
    9. Olga Koch

      until 19:30 Olga Koch Link(s): http://www.acesandeightssaloonbar.com/events/2130
    10. Catland (work in progress )

      until 18:00 Johnny White Really-Really Link(s):
    11. Róisín And Chiara’s Late Night Lounge

      until 22:45 Luke McQueen, Mairéad Doyle, Róisín & Chiara, String Vs Spitta, Yuriko Kotani Link(s):
    12. Catland

      until 21:30 Johnny White Really-Really Link(s):
    13. Róisín And Chiara’s Late Night Lounge

      until 22:45 Charlie Partridge, Dan Lees, Kathryn Bond, Nina Smith, Róisín & Chiara Link(s): https://dice.fm/event/dbkoo-roisin-and-chiaras-late-night-lounge-25th-nov-aces-eights-saloon-bar-london-tickets
    14. Deadbeat Comedy

      until 22:00 Amy Gledhill, Dan Cook, Eleanor Tiernan, Johnny White Really-Really, Sam Campbell Link(s): https://dice.fm/event/llgnl-deadbeat-comedy-2nd-dec-aces-eights-saloon-bar-london-tickets
    15. Olga Koch and Rajiv Karia: Work in Progress

      until 22:00 Olga Koch, Rajiv Karia Link(s): http://www.acesandeightssaloonbar.com/events/2244
    16. Deadbeat Comedy

      until 22:00 Johnny White Really-Really, Rosie Jones Link(s): http://www.acesandeightssaloonbar.com/events/2215
    17. Róisín And Chiara’s Late Night Lounge

      until 22:15 Andy Barr, Eleanor Morton, Elf Lyons, Fatiha El Ghorri, Róisín & Chiara Link(s): http://www.acesandeightssaloonbar.com/events/2265
    18. Comedy Kiss

      until 22:00 Bebe Cave, Heidi Regan, Jessica Aszkenasy, Jordan Brookes, Vix Layton Link(s): http://www.acesandeightssaloonbar.com/events/2303 https://dice.fm/partner/strip-light/event/l2ovw-comedy-kiss-8th-feb-aces-eights-saloon-bar-london-tickets?dice_source=web&dice_medium=organic&dice_campaign=Strip+Light&_branch_match_id=947136139751212530&_branch_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAA8soKSkottLXz8nMy9ZLyU
    19. Róisín and Chiara's Late Night Lounge

      until 22:15 Alison Spittle, David Selley, Joe Davies, Kathryn Bond, Róisín & Chiara, Ryan Lane Link(s): https://dice.fm/event/wyemn-roisin-and-chiaras-late-night-lounge-17th-feb-aces-eights-saloon-bar-london-tickets
    20. Deadbeat Comedy

      until 22:15 Johnny White Really-Really Link(s): http://www.acesandeightssaloonbar.com/events/2279 https://dice.fm/event/eqe6w-deadbeat-comedy-18th-feb-aces-eights-saloon-bar-london-tickets
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